Thursday 31 March 2011

Year 5 Camp to Pounawea

We wandered through an old train tunnel at Tunnel Hill, visited the rocky shore, checked out native trees on the Pounawea Nature Walk, tramped in to the McLean Falls, explored the Cathedral Caves, challenged ourselves on the confidence course at Tautuku, kayaked and fished in the Pounawea estuary, visited the Owaka Museum, completed an orienteering course, met the sea lions at Surat Bay, appreciated the view from the Nugget Point lighthouse and played in the surf at Kaka Point. Thank you to Mrs Tansley for organising such an outstanding camp.

Here we all are listening to Mrs Tansley explain our task down at the Rocky Shore. We learnt how important it is to always be facing the ocean, as the tide certainly came in very quickly!


The walk in to the McLean Falls was definitely worth climbing all those stairs for!  What an impressive sight to see.

The Cathedral Caves were really fun to explore. It was also a cool place to take some interesting photos.

A tourist to the Cathedral Caves took this great photo of us all!

The Tautuku Confidence Course was a good challenge for all, even some of the parents and teachers had a go. It was soooooo good to have our wonderful parents station themselves around the course. They did a superb job encouraging us along the way.

We went kayaking and out for a ride in Mr Cuthill's boat.

We also jumped or were thrown or pushed from the pontoon!

 On our final day we clambered over rocks and down the beach at Surat Bay to see...

...these stunning creatures - the sea lions. 
We were amazed at their size.

One of our final stops was at Nugget Point. We climbed up to the lighthouse and from here we were rewarded with this beautiful view of the nuggets.

Time for a bit of lunch and a quick play at Kaka Point before Kevin our bus driver delivered us back to school. We were all tired, but full of exciting stories to share with our families.

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