Monday, 28 March 2011

Fish For Tomorrow

Today we watched a short DVD sent to us by the Ministry of Fisheries called Fish For Tomorrow. Some of the important points we learned were...
1. The sea is not a magic fridge - food doesn't just magically reappear in the ocean. It is a renewable source, but needs time in order for this to happen.
2. We need to think about future generations - we don't want our grandchildren having to visit the museum in order to see paua! Fish for tomorrow.
3. Don't gut fish into the ocean as it can attract predators such as sharks.
4. Abide by the limits for certain shellfish and fish in your area.
5. Ask the fisheries officers if the fish are the right size (or check on the website before you go.)
6. Obey the fisheries rules. They are there for a reason.
7. Take any rubbish home with you, as this can be harmful to sea creatures, and it also makes our beaches look untidy.
8. Sea creatures are an important part of an interacting system.
9. If you take the right amount (or less) there will be plenty of seafood for others to enjoy.
10. Don't destroy marine habitats and take care when touching sea creatures.

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